A look behind the scenes of Set building for photography and photographic self portraits.

Wex Photo Video Youtube channel for photographers and filmmakers across the UK, providing support and inspiration. There content feautures tutorials and inspiration for a wide variety of photography and videography. I was asked to share how I create and my inspirations on what I create in the 2 parts of my photographic practice, self portraiture and set building.

Action is Key : Having an idea- going out and finding the resources and executing an idea. The video documents my process behind a self portrait and fantasy concept how I executed the idea with thing I have found around me.

good on you Wex, for portraying and filming a lady with ADHD, the more we see of successful disabilities, the more people know we are safe, and accept our differences, and us with disabilities know we CAN succeed 😃 ( comment from video)

The video outcome show a good scope of what I do how I go about doing it using cheap and accessible materials.


The Rising Sun Exhibition


The Midnight Forest.